
Bhavatit Dhyan Contribution

Bhavatit Dhyan Contribution


Swami Ji has played a pivotal role in promotng meditaton on a global scale through his involvement in the Bhavatt Dhyan project. This project, initated by Maharishi Ji, aims to make meditaton practces accessible to everyone by simplifying the techniques. Bhavatt Dhyan offers a more guided and accessible entry point into the world of meditaton, allowing practtoners to cultvate positve emotons like compassion, grattude, or inner peace. 

Swami Ji notced that the fast-paced and ofen stressful nature of modern life has led to a growing interest in meditaton practces. That’s when he decided to promote Bhavatt Dhyan among people by offering a partcularly relevant tool for people seeking to manage stress, improve mental well-being, and cultvate inner peace.

In Hyderabad, Swami Ji’s team organized a grand event, bringing together 10,000 internatonal partcipants for a Bhavatt Dhyan session. Over 50 million people worldwide practce Bhavatt Dhyan, guided by a network of more than 5 lakh teachers. 

In India alone, 1700 Bhavatt centres offer free meditaton sessions, primarily in smaller towns and rural areas. Swami Ji’s teachings extend beyond India, reaching over 140 countries through Bhavatt Dhyan centres.

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